Package com.strangelight.salsa

This java package defines a set of utility wrappers for getting the MacOS "look and feel" using AWT.


Interface Summary
J_GridBagContainer A standard interface for doing basic GridBagLayout.

Class Summary
J_Choice J_Choice fixes some of the bugs in MRJ's implementation of java.awt.Choice.
J_Dialog An extension of java.awt.Dialog which implements some useful GridBagLayout-based layout utilities.
J_EmptyCell A simple extension of java.awt.Canvas.
J_Frame Extension to java.awt.Frame to make it work seamlessly with J_MenuBar.
J_Image A class for pre-loading an image from the local filesystem and/or application/jar file.
J_MenuBar This class encapsulates a Mac menu bar.
J_Panel An extension of java.awt.Panel which implements some useful GridBagLayout-based layout utilities.

Package com.strangelight.salsa Description

This java package defines a set of utility wrappers for getting the MacOS "look and feel" using AWT. Due to the idiosyncracies of the Macintosh's standard UI, many of the default behaviours of the java.awt classes don't make sense under Mac OS. The classes in com.strangelight.salsa extend the standard AWT classes -- in ways that are mostly transparent -- so as to make their default behaviours more Mac-appropriate.